Accordion Accessories

Accessories for accordion players.


  1. Spot on description o’ Tam and a lovely rendition o’ een o my favourite songs…love the photos x

  2. Very beautiful. I’m learning to play accordion and your playing and compositions inspire me.
    Thank you.

  3. This tune reminds me of my Turriff Grannie from Chapel Street , she was the dearest old soul I’ve ever met 😢still miss her and love this tune , well done Charlie 👍

  4. I see the Ergonomic Accordion Straps (Alexander Technique) are out of stock.
    Will you be getting them again and, if so, how long before they are in stock again?

    • Hi David,
      If the shopping cart is giving you problems, please send me an email to, with you name and address details. I’ll reply with an invoice for online payment.
      I have the black and red backstraps in stock.

      I look forward to hearing from you,

  5. Just to add to this, Lawrie served as the minister in Newmilns, which is the town along from Galston. The “Hag Brig Turn” is just outside Newmilns, on the road to Galston – and the “Miller’s Dam” is in the middle of Newmilns, between the Institute Brig & the Brigend. In that sense, I’ve always looked at the specifics of this song as being about Newmilns, although obviously with the broader themes you’ve written about above. As an aside, Lawrie Street in Newmilns was named after him. Burns also spent some time in the manse in Newmilns – they still have a wooden pane in the manse, where Burns used his diamond to inscribe “lovely Mrs Lawrie, she is all charms” into the wood. Hope that’s useful.

  6. Hello Charlie
    I’ll try again.
    Italcinte say in their catalogue that the 306/a style Accordion strap comes in Small (S), Medium (M), Large (L) and XL.
    Can you you please tell me what the adjustment range is for these different sizes?
    I’m looking for a Left Strap 36 to 42 inches and a Right Strap 40 to 46 inches.

  7. I love the Song “The Dark Island” both in engl;ish and gaelic. it remnds me of my trip to the Western Isles in 2014 on the MacBrayne ferries from Oban all over the isles.

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